SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER - Facing Islam book now 50% off List Price!
The Facing Islam blog recently passed 900,000 views, and it's time to celebrate. And what better way than to offer a blowout special on my book, Facing Islam - What the Ancient Church has to say about the Religion of Muhammad.
- Regular List Price, $10.99
- Now through May 31, 2018, 50% off ($5.50) plus shipping and sales tax (where applicable).
This is basically selling the book below wholesale. This is my way of saying "Thank You" to all you readers...
Though published in 2010, I feel this book is more important than ever. Facing Islam is unique in providing a robust defense of the Christian Faith against the 'theological jihad' of Islam, which presents "a different Jesus, a different spirit, and a different gospel" (cf, 2 COR 11:3-4, also GAL 1:6-8).
Rather than being "ripped from the headlines" of its day and thus outdated, Facing Islam presents timeless theological sources and arguments not usually heard in the ongoing debates about Islam. The teachings and warnings of the saints of the Christian East are not only rarely encountered nowadays, they are often obscured by scholars who are so "nuanced" in their treatment of Islam as to paint a completely opposite and false picture of the Islam encountered by Christians in the 7th, 14th, 15th and subsequent centuries. My main purpose is to decisively repudiate the 'Same God' position and to show it to be a dangerous fallacy and a Christian heresy, as well as being a real and physical threat to Christians everywhere.
I hope my message is reaching people. We certainly have seen an amazing growth since our humble launch in April 2011: 900,000 views, with the very real possibility of hitting 1 Million by the end of the year.
A couple of years ago Facing Islam was named a 'Top 50 Islam Blog', and I am honored to feature that badge on this site. We started out at about #45, but when I checked just now, we have risen to #37! And this without Facebook and Twitter feeds. The Top 50 Islam Blog category includes not only counter-jihad blogs, but Muslim sites and Islamic dawah blogs seeking to spread their false religion to the unsuspecting. To be in this top tier of Islam blogs means we are having an impact and reaching people.
Longtime followers know I have never monetized this blog. It is truly an independent effort, and has succeeded on the strength of its message, which is the Truth of the Orthodox Christian Gospel of Jesus Christ. Along the way, my original articles have been picked up and republished by outlets in America, England, Europe and Russia. I have also been a regular contributor for Jihad Watch and Raymond Ibrahim. I've been hit with a couple of DDOS attacks, and have seen some posts go viral and reach audiences in the tens of thousands.
But through it all I have refused to seek ad revenue, refused even to be an Amazon affiliate.
So, if you've ever thought of buying my book, NOW IS THE TIME! Buy two copies (or more!) and share them with your friends and family. I have one friend who purchased ten copies to give away!
Thanks again so much for your visits, and I hope you profit from and are blessed by my efforts here.
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