
Showing posts from December, 2018

' NOT THE SAME GOD' - Franklin Graham delivers robust Christian response to the latest Islamic jihad terror attack

"Graham reacted strongly to a recent Islamic terror attack in Strasbourg, France, warning that radical Islam continues to be a major global threat." There are so few Christian voices stating the obvious, that the obvious is in decline.  'AXIOS' to Rev. Graham for having the courage and conviction to boldly rebuke those who hold to the Same God Heresy , to bravely condemn the false religion of Islam, and to blast weak Christian leaders like Pope Francis who deny that Islam is behind jihad terror attacks. Graham recently stated that Islam “is behind the violence and jihad we’re seeing in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and here in this country.  “It’s a religion that calls for the extermination of ‘infidels’ outside their faith, specifically Jews and Christians.” Franklin Graham: Allah and the Christian God ‘Not the Same’ by Thomas D. Williams, PhD, Breitbart News , December 16, 2018: Celebrated evangelical pastor Franklin Graham reacted strongly to a recent Islamic terr...

Muslims Behind 84 Percent of Terrorist Killings in the West in 2017

"Europe was the Western region most impacted in 2017, suffering some 75 per cent of all types of terrorist violence compared to 22.06 per cent for North America and 2.94 per cent for Australasia." Radical Muslims Behind 84 Percent of Terror Killings in the West, 67 Percent Foreign-Born by Jack Montgomery, Breitbart News , Nov 1, 2018: Islamists were responsible for a massive 84.27 per cent of terror killings in the West in 2017, with 66.67 per cent of the perpetrators coming to their target country from abroad. The number of foreign-born radical Islamic terrorists carrying out attacks in Western countries was up substantially from 2016, when 40.54 per cent of attackers struck outside their country of origin, according to a report by the Henry Jackson Society. Islamists achieved their 84 percent share of terror fatalities despite accounting for 48.53 percent of terrorist incidents overall, suggesting they tend to be more lethal than, for example, far-right terrorists — who ac...

America's judgment looms ever nearer: FGM, mutilation of children normalized and protected

"A federal judge has dismissed six charges of female genital mutilation against a doctor, declaring the nation’s female genital mutilation law as unconstitutional." The unthinkable has happened: a brutal and dangerous practice performed on infant girls, originating from a deviant desert pagan religion, has now been given protected legal status in the United States. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), the cutting of the clitoris of defenseless infant girls, has, through the fiat of a single federal judge in an historic, landmark case, become protected by the US Constitution, barring some overturning of this heinous and ignorant decision. See my article:  FGM and Islam’s Mutilation of… Everything Spiritually, this dark sign of our times converges with another rapidly spreading movement affirming a secular right to mutilate children. America is swiftly enshrining the right of children to undergo hormonal therapy and sexual mutilation surgery to "reassign" their gender. R...