' NOT THE SAME GOD' - Franklin Graham delivers robust Christian response to the latest Islamic jihad terror attack
"Graham reacted strongly to a recent Islamic terror attack in Strasbourg, France, warning that radical Islam continues to be a major global threat." There are so few Christian voices stating the obvious, that the obvious is in decline. 'AXIOS' to Rev. Graham for having the courage and conviction to boldly rebuke those who hold to the Same God Heresy , to bravely condemn the false religion of Islam, and to blast weak Christian leaders like Pope Francis who deny that Islam is behind jihad terror attacks. Graham recently stated that Islam “is behind the violence and jihad we’re seeing in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and here in this country. “It’s a religion that calls for the extermination of ‘infidels’ outside their faith, specifically Jews and Christians.” Franklin Graham: Allah and the Christian God ‘Not the Same’ by Thomas D. Williams, PhD, Breitbart News , December 16, 2018: Celebrated evangelical pastor Franklin Graham reacted strongly to a recent Islamic terr...