
Showing posts from November, 2018

Timothy R. Furnish - "Radical” Islam: Livin’ on the Edge, or Stuck Squarely in the Middle, of the Religion?

"VIOLENT JIHAD IS NOT RADICAL! How could it be, when Muhammad himself led armies in battle and ordered the killing of recalcitrant non-Muslims?" Another much needed corrective to the discussion on Islam. Tim Furnish is simply one of the best, and by far the wittiest, experts on Islam writing today. You can order his books and follow his blog through these links: Sects, Lies & the Caliphate: Ten Years of Observations on Islam Ten Years' Captivation with the Mahdi's Camps: Essays on Muslim Eschatology, 2005-2015 Blog: The Occidental Jihadist - Reflections on Culture, Geopolitics, and Muslim Eschatology "Radical” Islam: Livin’ on the Edge, or Stuck Squarely in the Middle, of the Religion? by Timothy R. Furnish, PhD, Three Kraters Media , Nov 12, 2018: There is absolutely NOTHING “radical” or “extremist” about this flag, even though ISIS and similar groups use it.  The flag says “there is no deity but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.” That’s the credo of 1....

Dreher slams "morally disgusting" "Islamized Britain" over UK denying asylum to Asia Bibi

"This morally disgusting outcome is what happens when you allow your country to become Islamized." Bravo for Rod Dreher for calling this one right. If you haven't been following Asia Bibi's story, get up to speed with these links: Pakistan: Christian woman imprisoned for years for blasphemy is acquitted, Muslims riot and call for her death Pakistan: 11,000 Muslims in protests against acquittal of Christian “blasphemer,” demand public hanging Pakistani government capitulates to rioters, bans Asia Bibi from leaving country, reviews her blasphemy acquittal Pakistan: Lawyer for Christian woman acquitted of blasphemy charges flees to Europe in fear of his life Additional News Stories tagged with 'Asia Bibi' The USA has an opportunity to help this Christian woman whose life and that of her family (and her attorney) are at risk because of Islam, the Koran, and Muhammad. England has revealed whom it considers its true overlords to be. The black flag of Islam will soon...

'LONDONISTAN' - Harbinger of England's Dark Future

“London is more Islamic than many Muslim countries put together” The title of Melanie Phillips' prophetic 2007 book haunts England, Europe and America to this day, as the Islamic takeover of a collapsing, post-Christian West continues to accelerate. The article below details disturbing trends, such as these: 423 new mosques, and they are packed, 100 Shariah courts, creating a parallel legal system outside of English law, weekly attendance of Muslims at mosque will surpass the number of Christians at church by 2020. Not mentioned in the below article is  London's  massive crime wave , with acid attacks and stabbings, rape and gun crimes and homicide all way up; homicides up by 27%, youth homicides up by 70%, and robbery up by over 33%. Also not referenced below, "taking the three English translations of the same Arabic name as one has left Muhammad the most popular boy’s name in England and Wales every year since 2011 ." Let the reader understand. LONDONISTAN , by Mela...