
Showing posts from October, 2018

Islam defeats Free Speech in Europe

European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) sets ominous precedent, enforces Sharia restrictions on speech concerning Islam, criminalizes criticism of Muhammad. In Europe, Free Speech Bows to Sharia By ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, National Review , October 27, 2018 Europeans are free to say only what the courts let them. When he was 50, the prophet of Islam took as his wife Aisha, who was then six or seven. The marriage was consummated when Aisha was nine. This is not a smear. It is an accurate account of authoritative Islamic scripture. (See, e.g., Sahih-Bukhari, Vol. 5, Book 58, Nos. 234–236 .) Yet it can no longer safely be discussed in Europe, thanks to the extortionate threat of violence and intimidation — specifically, of jihadist terrorism and the Islamist grievance industry that slipstreams behind it. Under a ruling by the so-called European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), free speech has been supplanted by sharia blasphemy standards. The case involves an Austrian woman (identified as “Mrs. S....

IPT exposes how false reporting is used by Left to diminish threat from Islamic Terrorism

International Project on Terrorism dissects 'Global Terrorism Database Study, reaffirms threat of Islamic Jihad in America. SPLC-Touted Terrorism Study Casts a Wide Net to Downplay Islamic Extremism by Benjamin Baird, Special to IPT News , October 26, 2018 Looking to "blow off steam," a pair of teenagers broke into the Ohio Chapel United Methodist Church near Columbus, Ind. last year to steal propane tanks. The vandals turned crosses upside down, smashed windows, and even torched a pew stored in the basement. Non-lethal incidents like church vandalism are a far cry from the bloodshed that occurred in the shadow of the rebuilt World Trade Center on Oct. 31, 2017 , when ISIS-aligned Uzbek immigrant Sayfullo Saipov drove a rented pickup truck down a crowded bicycle path , killing eight people and wounding 12. Yet, a Quartz report published Sept. 11 reviewing terrorist attacks in 2017 compares numerous low-level acts of vandalism to less frequent — but far more lethal — ji...