
Showing posts from March, 2018

New Martyr under the Sword of Islam, Arnaud Beltrame of France

By God's providence, even as Europe collapses before the onslaught of Islam, we are given an inspiring example of a believing Christian, in this case a French lieutenant-colonel gendarme who was also a practicing Catholic, who faithfully witnessed to his faith in Jesus Christ, even unto death.  New Martyr Arnaud Beltrame shines especially through his self-sacrificial act of love, volunteering to take the place of a hostage being held by the murderous Muslim, laying down his life for another, adding Christian martyrdom to valiant heroism for his country. See also:   Catholic Priest beheaded in France during Mass by Muslims linked to Islamic State Arnaud Beltrame, Hero-Martyr Of France Compiled from Rod Dreher's post at The American Conservative and a related article from Familie Chretienne: France has produced a second martyr — the first was Father Jacques Hamel, slain at the altar while saying mass — in the contemporary battle against radical Islam. From Famil...

Can There Have Been Two Annunciations?

Islam claims the archangel Gabriel came to Muhammad commanding him to "Recite" and ushering in his prophetic calling. What are we to make of this "Second Annunciation?  On March 25, the Orthodox Church commemorates the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary.   As the hymn for the Feast says, Today is the beginning of our salvation, The revelation of the eternal mystery! The Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin As Gabriel announces the coming of Grace... Islam also begins with an annunciation of sorts, to Muhammad, (not) coincidentally by a spirit being also identified as the angel Jibril (Gabriel). However, the nature and outcome of that annunciation is quite different from the one to the Virgin Mary six centuries earlier. As St Gregory Palamas noted in the 14th century, Muhammad's actions were  "instigated by the devil" : "[Muhammad] came with war, knives, pillaging, forced enslavement, murders, and acts that are not from the goo...

Leo Hohmann - 'Deep state attacks: Gov’t ‘Fusion Centers’ spying on patriots concerned about Islam'

"[Government] fusion centers know no boundaries, including the U.S. Constitution, says constitutional attorney and civil liberties advocate John Whitehead. 'The word mosque, it’s key words like that. If you don’t like mosques, they’re gonna be after you, they’re watching you', said Whitehead, founder of the Charlottesville, Va.-based Rutherford Institute. Being an 'activist' also draws the attention of the fusion centers, he said. Deep state attacks: Gov’t ‘Fusion Centers’ spying on patriots concerned about Islam By LEO HOHMANN, , March 16, 2018: Brenda Arthur received an unexpected visit on March 8 that, one week later, leaves her feeling more than a little uneasy.  At her door that day was an officer with the West Virginia State Police. He wanted to know about her involvement in a Freedom of Information request regarding a local mosque.  Arthur, who will turn 67 this summer, serves as leader of the West Virginia chapter of ACT For America, whose mi...

VIDEO: Robert Spencer, 'Why Muslim Persecution of Christians Has Escalated'

In this new video, Robert Spencer, bestselling author and director of Jihad Watch, explains "why Christian communities that have existed in the Middle East since the time of Christ have in recent years been attacked, and in many cases obliterated, by Islamic jihadis. Why are the jihadis attacking the Christians now?" Robert Spencer reveals the surprising answer, rooted in an historical anomaly dating back 150 years. Thank God for Robert Spencer's indefatigable work in reporting and exposing the threat from Islam, Jihad, and Sharia. Robert Spencer, 'Why Muslim Persecution of Christians Has Escalated' Jihad Watch , March 19, 2018: Robert Spencer from DHFC on Vimeo .

Islam, Totalitarianism, and the 'catastrophic spiritual ruin ahead of us'

"I am begging you to pray that if there is catastrophic spiritual ruin ahead of us, that God would open our eyes to it before it is too late. If you have not been praying with heartfelt sincerity and desperate dependence on God – start tonight." ~ Rev. Peter Sanlon, Church of England Rod Dreher has posted an interview with Rev. Peter Sanlon , a young CofE pastor, over at his blog at The American Conservative, which is startling for its unflinching honesty and penetrating insights concerning the frightening rate of the post-and ever more stridently anti-Christian sentiment sweeping the West, and the immanent collapse of establishment Christianity as a result. Rev. Sanlon identifies three movements, which he states are "certain to sink the ship": "Radical sexual gender ideologies, Islam, and governments’ totalitarian instincts." How he describes the dynamics of these three forces shows he has thought deeply on contemporary trends, and is not spinning hastily...

Mark Durie: 'The threat is not extremism, but Islam'

"Mark Durie warns a cognitive dissonance is stopping many of us from understanding Islamist violence. No, we are not facing the threat of 'extremism' but of Islam." Another in our series, 'Reconnecting with Mark Durie'.   Thanks to Andrew Bolt in the  Herald Sun  for the lede above, and for spreading this excellent analysis more widely. This is a good article to share with friends and family members who insist that there is no connection between Islam and terrorism, or that there are as many dangerous Christian extremists as Muslim ones, or that there is no difference between Islam and Christianity (a variant of the 'Same God' heresy), or ... "What about the Crusades?!" Excuse me, but your cognitive dissonance is showing by Mark Durie , June 19, 2017 Herald Sun issue on the June 2017 Islamic jihad terror attack in Brighton, Melbourne, Australia. On June 5 in Brighton, Melbourne, at a spot I have driven past countless times, there was a terror...