New Martyr under the Sword of Islam, Arnaud Beltrame of France
By God's providence, even as Europe collapses before the onslaught of Islam, we are given an inspiring example of a believing Christian, in this case a French lieutenant-colonel gendarme who was also a practicing Catholic, who faithfully witnessed to his faith in Jesus Christ, even unto death. New Martyr Arnaud Beltrame shines especially through his self-sacrificial act of love, volunteering to take the place of a hostage being held by the murderous Muslim, laying down his life for another, adding Christian martyrdom to valiant heroism for his country. See also: Catholic Priest beheaded in France during Mass by Muslims linked to Islamic State Arnaud Beltrame, Hero-Martyr Of France Compiled from Rod Dreher's post at The American Conservative and a related article from Familie Chretienne: France has produced a second martyr — the first was Father Jacques Hamel, slain at the altar while saying mass — in the contemporary battle against radical Islam. From Famil...