
Showing posts from December, 2017

'This is our festival: the arrival of God among us...'

"He that is full empties himself, for he empties himself of his glory for a short while, that I may have a share in his fullness..." As we continue to celebrate the Birth of the Son of God in the Flesh, here is a soaring homily by St Gregory the Theologian, which should encourage all Christians to cling to Christ, to stand firm in the True Faith, and not to assent to the voices of antichrist who preach the "Same God" heresy. May we be found steadfast when He, Jesus Christ the Lord, returns in glory! Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus! On the Nativity of Christ By St Gregory of Nazianzus, Another City , December 25, 2017: Christ is born: glorify him. Christ comes down from heaven: go out to meet him. Christ descends to earth: let us be raised on high. Let all the world sing to the Lord: let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad, for his sake who was first in heaven and then on earth. Christ is here in the flesh: let us exult with fear and joy—with fear, because of ou...

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

Wishing all our readers a blessed and joyous celebration of the Nativity in the Flesh of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ!

Apostasy in the UK: 'Church' holds joint birthday celebration for 'Prophet Muhammad' and Jesus

The apostasy of "Christian" churches in the West continues to accelerate, as these flaming heretics seek to outdo one another in affirming Muhammad and Islam, while at the same time showing they are ashamed of the Lord Jesus Christ by openly denying Him. With each such blasphemous interfaith escapade, they further cut themselves off from the True Vine, and are in danger of being burned. So many such reports come out of the United Kingdom these days (some noted below), that it is clear that Britain has rejected Christ and is in a terminal phase of post-Christian collapse, with the shadow of the black flag of Islam looming over the once sanctified Isles.  Small pockets of Orthodox Christianity are persevering, but apart from a miracle , the country itself seems doomed. I have inverted the original order of Robert Spencer's post on Jihad Watch, by placing his introduction, comprised of Qur'anic texts denying the foundations of the Christian Faith, below the incisive rep...

Pakistani Historian: 'Muslims Of The World... Have No Religious Basis To Rule Jerusalem'

"After the 'Conquest of Mecca,' Muslims were told to turn their faces toward Kaaba and away from Jerusalem. They have never faced their loyalty toward Jerusalem after that, for the last 1,400 years...  Muslims of the world, therefore, have no religious basis to rule Jerusalem. " After Trump's Recognition Of Jerusalem As Israel's Capital, Pakistani Historian Mobarak Haidar Writes: 'Muslims Of The World... Have No Religious Basis To Rule Jerusalem' MEMRI , Special Dispatch No. 7214, December 7, 2017: After U.S. President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, on December 6, 2017, Mobarak Haidar (above), renowned Pakistani historian and author of multiple books, wrote the following on his Facebook page: [1] "Jerusalem And Muslim Claims "The Holy Koran spoke of Al-Aqsa Mosque when it was not a 'mosque' in the Islamic sense. It was a holy place because of the prophets of Israel, from Moses to Jesus. It was the holy spo...

Europe’s Descent into an Islamic Hell

I have been periodically posting large groups of links to news stories as a resource, as I believe the impact of these batches of headlines are more effective than individual stories at showing the effect of mass immigration of Muslims into formerly Christian Europe. What we see in this latest group of links is not merely the ongoing increase of Muslims committing stabbing attacks and vehicular jihad, but also some deeply disturbing perversions of European culture and society through attempts to force British and European natives to adapt themselves to Muslims who refusal to integrate. This is a phenomenon which can be described as “reverse assimilation”, as all levels of society are warped and distorted in vain efforts to create the multicultural paradise the ruling elite insist can be achieved. There is also the deployment of counter-terror military units across Europe, and the installation of bollards (barricades) around major landmarks to minimize the risk of vehicular jihad attack...