
Showing posts from November, 2017

New Martyr Fr. Daniil Sysoev remembered with Paschal hymns in church where he was killed (with Videos)

"According to the now-annual tradition, Fr. Daniel’s memory was celebrated with a series of Divine services in the Church of St. Thomas and later at his grave... Notably, the panikhida was followed by the singing of the Paschal Stichera and the Paschal Troparion 'Christ is Risen!' which matched the feeling of triumph in Christ that pervaded the tiny church." Fr. Daniil Sysoev remembered with Paschal hymns in church where he was killed , November 20, 2017: The funeral of New Marty Fr Daniil Sysoev, November 2009. The memory of Fr. Daniel Sysoev was celebrated and prayers were offered for the repose of his soul yesterday and today in the Church of the Apostle Thomas in south Moscow, which Fr. Daniel founded himself. The ever-memorable Priest Daniel was shot in his church late in the evening of November 19, 2009, and died in the hospital early the next morning. Fr. Daniel is remembered for his fervent missionary work through which he brought many forme...

'When they kill me, don't cry for me, but pray for me.' - Remembrances of Fr. Daniel Sysoev

Here is a deeply inspiring reflection on the Holy and Righteous Confessor and New Martyr under the sword of Islam, Fr. Daniil Sysoev, who was hated by the Islamic community in Russia for debating them openly and converting scores of them to the Holy Orthodox Christian Faith. Fr Daniil was shot and killed by a Muslim in his church in Moscow on November 19, 2009. In the years since, his legacy and witness only continues to grow, with his writings being translated into English and other languages, and his relics (portions of his priestly robe which he was wearing at the time of his martyrdom) spreading through the Orthodox world. On the American secular feast of Thanksgiving, let us give thanks for the powerful witness of this dynamic and fearless friend of Christ, who proved his love for the Lord with his very blood. May we be strengthened by his martyrdom and his intercessions, that we too may make the good confession, and not love our earthly lives more than Christ. 'When they kill...

New Infographic: Muhammad's Life a 'Blueprint for Terrorism'

The ten key points featured in this single-page infographic show how the example and teachings of Muhammad, considered in Islam to be the "perfect pattern of conduct," continue to inspire and justify the broad range of Muslim atrocities against humanity (for 14 centuries and counting), including jihad warfare and terrorism, honor killings and abuse of women and children, slavery, and more. Feel free to share widely... New Infographic on the life of Muhammad By Bill D., Science Et Cetera , November 17, 2017: A supplement to the recent documentary, " Through the Lens of Muhammad's Life: How the Example and Teachings of Muhammad Shape Islam Today ” More original material on Islam by Bill D... Click image to enlarge |  Download the PDF version.

Do all Religions have the same Heavenly Father?

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew asserts so, and quite a bit more along with it, as in these pronouncements: “We are all created by God and as such we are all brothers and sisters. We have the same heavenly Father, whatever we call him.”  “God is but one, independently of the name we give him, Allah or Yahweh, and so on. God is one and we are his children.” In addition to these recent deceptive remarks, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople has absurdly written (without any trace of irony) of a “dialogue of loving truth” with Islam, of Orthodoxy having for centuries “coexisted peacefully” with Islam. He also projects the chimera of an “interfaith commitment... still felt and lived by Greeks [and] Turks” (Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Encountering the Mystery, Doubleday, 2008, pp xxxvii, 196, 174). As students of history know, Islam has no history of dialoguing or coexisting peacefully with any non-Muslim peoples, and has waged relentless warfare against the Christian world s...

Mall of America Stabbing Suspect is Mahad Abdirahaman

JUST IN: Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman, 20 years old from Minneapolis, is being held on 2 counts of 1st Degree Assault Press release from Bloomington Police on Mall of America stabbing. — Brandi Powell (@bpowellKSTP) November 13, 2017 div> Suspect Mahad Abdiaziz Abdirahaman is in custody after two victims stabbed at the Mall of America yesterday. He was allegedly caught redhanded in the middle of a robbery in the dressing room at Macy's. There are still a lot of questions: Who is Abdirahaman? What motivated the theft? Is he a practicing Muslim? Where is he from?  It's reported that the suspect and victims didn't know each other -- but were the victims Muslim? After all, if Abdirahaman is a faithful Muslim surely he knows that Islam allows for theft against non-Muslims:  Allah promiseth you much booty that ye will capture, and hath given you this in advance, and hath withheld men's hands from you, that it may be a token for the believers, and t...

William Kilpatrick: 'Islam: A Giant Step Backwards for Humanity'

"It’s not just that many clergy... fail to appreciate the deep differences in theology between Islam and Christianity, they fail to grasp the deep cultural and human differences that flow from the theological differences. To put the matter bluntly, Christianity is a humanizing religion and Islam is not." William Kilpatrick looks at fundamental differences between Christianity and Islam in this especially illuminating article, especially appropriate for the Advent Season. Islam: A Giant Step Backwards for Humanity by William Kilpatrick, Crisis Magazine , October 31, 2017 One of the big mysteries of our day is how so many supposedly enlightened Catholics have managed to get it so wrong about Islam for so long. It’s understandable that in the 1960s, when the Islamic world was relatively quiescent, Catholics might entertain the high hopes for Islamic-Catholic relations expressed in Nostra Aetate . But this is 2017 and in the intervening half century a lot of water has passed unde...

What is "White" Sharia? (Yes, this is a Thing)

Life was cheap to those who created Sharia. Sadly, Americans on the hard right/Alt-Right are openly talking about what their own version of Sharia would look like in the context of non-Islamic European-Americans. White Sharia  is a meme that likely began in late 2016. As far as I can tell, the Alt-Right podcast  The War Room  was one of the first to explore the idea and for almost two hours the hosts flesh out a graphic vision of white rape gangs and more. White Sharia is conceptualized as a corrective to the decadence of Western feminism that has led many of our sisters and wives to debauch themselves in prodigal living resulting in less white babies and weaker marriages. This makes demographic replacement by non-Westerners/non-whites inevitable. It should be mentioned that the Alt-Right and meme culture is based on irony and jokes meant to shock and steer conversation. Much like third-wave feminism, it's full of half-truths. White Sharia is open to such heinou...

No, You’re Not More Likely to be killed by a Right-Wing Extremist than an Islamic Terrorist

"Muslim adults comprise less than 1% of the U.S population, and yet according to the [Government Accountability Office] study, are responsible for a whopping 27% of the terrorism in the country. This is a significant overrepresentation among such a tiny minority..." No, You’re Not More Likely to be killed by a Right-Wing Extremist than an Islamic Terrorist by Damion Daniels, Areo Magazine, May 28, 2017 (thanks to Tim Furnish): On 22nd May, 2017, a 22 year old jihadist named Salman Ramadan Abedi wandered into the Manchester Arena during a concert populated primarily by young teens and their parents, and detonated a suicide bomb, killing 22 people including an 8 year old girl, and injuring approximately 120 others. This was the deadliest terror attack on U.K. soil since a group of jihadists murdered 52 commuters in the London transport attacks of 2005. We are often told that in the wake of a large scale atrocity of this kind, we should defy the terrorists by simply carrying on...