
Showing posts from October, 2017

Silicon Valley and Islam: Jewels in the Mouth of Satan

Last week, Dr Bill Warner at the Center for the Study of Political Islam  released a short video  discussing the "economic warfare" being waged on him by Silicon Valley and the Southern Poverty Law Center. These technocratic white knights are pushing non-capitulators out of the conversation to make way for the moral degeneracy of Islam. Companies like PayPal, YouTube, Facebook, and Google are using cringy SPLC hate lists as their guide in targeting dissenters. Whether they realize it or not they work to protect evil. Like many American politicians they make lies a way of life.  Silicon Valley and the Bay Area have a long history of seducing the rest of America with the bit of hedonism. Perhaps you recently read about California State Senator Scott Wiener out of San Francisco. Wiener co-authored legislation that now makes it a mere misdemeanor to knowingly infect someone with HIV. It's now California law . Don't be surprised when your state follows. And don't be su...

Convicted Virginia Jihadi reveals what ISIS has in common with Orthodox Christian Monasticism

This revealing quote from Virginia Muslim and convicted jihadi Mohamad Jamal Khweis tells us something very important about the Islamic State (ISIS): “Our daily life was basically prayer, eating, and learning about the religion for about eight hours.” ISIS believes and practices Islam. They teach it, follow its prescribed cycle of prayers — religiously — and act upon it. Religiously. This story reminds me of an article I posted here a few years ago —  The Religious Equivalency Fallacy, Pt. I: On Zeal and Struggle — in which I discussed the difference between what happens to Orthodox Christians when they become more zealous (they typically become peaceful monastics) and Muslims (alarming numbers feel compelled to become violent and murderous jihadis). In this account of life with ISIS, we learn that their "rule" (their "typicon", if you will), consumes about the same amount of time dedicated to religious and spiritual pursuits as that of Orthodox Christian monastics...

Saudi Prince vows to 'return to moderate, open Islam'

"Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman has vowed to restore 'moderate' Islam that is open to all religions in the world." My response? You can't return to something that has never existed. This is a precursor to something even darker...  Saudi Arabia's specific origins date from the late 18th century, when reformist preacher Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, striving to purge Sunni Islam of heretical accretions and restore pure Islam and the doctrine of tawhid, allied himself to tribal leader Muhammad bin Saud, promising him "power and glory" and rule over "lands and men" if he was faithful in protecting and spreading the Wahhabi doctrine of pure Islam. [1]  This happened nearly two centuries before the discovery of the vast oil fields in the Arabian Peninsula; quite a fortuitous deal for the House of Saud. Does this offer sound familiar? It should. For one, this durable religious/political alignment of course takes its example from ...

William Kilpatrick - 'A Dark-Forces Assault on the Church?'

"The current situation of the Church vis-à-vis Islam is due in part to a dual assault—one aimed at heightening Islam’s traditional aggressiveness, and the other aimed at weakening the Church’s traditional defenses. The result is a kind of dance of death: a ramping up of Islamic militancy matched by an exaggerated emphasis on tolerance, openness, and welcoming on the part of Catholics." William Kilpatrick's analysis is specifically directed towards the Roman Catholic response to Islam, but his insights may be profitably applied by Orthodox Christians inclined to "think of Muslim migration as no different from other migrations... simply a question of being welcoming or unwelcoming, of being charitable or uncharitable." As Kilpatrick notes, "Many Muslim leaders view migrations in a different light. For them it is not a question of loving one’s neighbor, it is a question of who is to be master." A Dark-Forces Assault on the Church? William Kilpatrick, Cris...

"Coming soon: 'Lincolnshire Sharia Police'"

YouTube commenters are blasting the UK's Lincolnshire Police for releasing a pro-Muslim video on their channel. People are calling out the video as PC propaganda. The video is Ellen DeGeneres-tier pap. At the 8:23 mark, Bana Gora, Chief Executive of the Muslim Women's Council in Bradford says the following: "I think for us as Muslims we're enraged when we hear people are committing attacks in our religion -- in the name of Islam. For us, our religion is a peaceful religion.  And anybody who doesn't abide to that is outside the religion ." That old familiar bit. Anyone with superficial knowledge of Mohammed knows this is false. Gora, along with the other interviewees, either have skin-deep knowledge of their own religion or are malevolent tricksters in the ongoing hypnosis of the UK. May St John Damascene pray for the British Isles! Their institutions have fallen for the wicked  pseudo-reality . They can't seem to help themselves. We're witnessing a co...

St Jacob the Martyr of Lebanon - 'Refusing to accept the dark yoke of another god'

"God, not forgetting his saints, and being ever-benevolent to his people, especially knowing we need grace in these latter times," has revealed to the faithful a forgotten monastic confessor and witness, the Monk-Martyr Jacob of Hamatoura, Lebanon, sparking the revival of an ancient and long-ago devastated monastery. In this Life, we see the example of an Orthodox Christian monastic who was pursued by Muslim invaders for witnessing to Christ by his holy life. They tried to convert him to Islam, but he refused to accept "the dark yoke of anther god." They then beheaded him and destroyed his monastery, burning his body and trying to eradicate all evidence that he had ever lived. This happened six centuries ago. Sound familiar? Now a new monastic brotherhood has revived the monastery and is openly venerating the great Martyr St Jacob! May the Lord protect them and multiply their efforts during these latter days! And may we all draw strength from their courage and the w...

Convicted Jihadist Rises to Top Post at London Southwark Council

Convicted jihadist, Mulumebet Girma, was given a " top job " at the Southwark Council in London in 2013. She served time for assisting in the attempted murder of Tube passengers in 2005. Here's the Sky News coverage . Girma was fired from her post at the council after her involvement in the terror plot came to light. In a statement, Girma claims she told her employer that she had been jailed. Yet, seemingly, no one could be bothered to run a proper background check or type her name into a  DuckDuckGo  or Google search bar. A simple search would have uncovered her role in the July 21, 2005 terror plot with her brother-in-law, Hussein Osman.  It took me less than 20 seconds before finishing my morning coffee to find her very own Wikipedia page. Get an eyeful.  The face of your oppressor. Girma on the cover of the council magazine. According to the BBC's report, Girma's position at the council did not give her access to police watch list data. Access to such infor...

More than Mercenaries: Russians Martyred by Muslims for refusing to deny Christ and embrace Islam

The Quran's commands in action: Islam's fourteen centuries of using the sword to try to force Christians to commit apostasy and deny Jesus Christ continues with the execution of two Russian soldiers. The Quran explicitly commands Muslims to fight against and terrorize the unbelievers till they embrace Islam or “feel themselves subdued” as is seen in these verses: Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth [i.e. Islam] among the people of the Book [Jews and Christians], until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (Sura 9:29)  So, when you meet those who disbelieve, smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly on them... Thus you are ordered by Allah to continue in carrying out jihad against the disbelievers till they embrace Islam. (Sura 47:4) This of ...

Mandalay Bay Owners Solicited Matching Donations to CAIR, SPLC

Jim Murren, CEO of MGM Resorts International, asked employees to donate to Council on American Islamic Relations and The Southern Poverty Law Center, other groups after Charlottesville and Barcelona.  Stephen Paddock, who  may have converted to Islam   months ago,  reportedly murdered 58 concert goers from the 32nd floor of the MGM Resorts owned Mandalay Bay hotel casino last week.  Judi McLeod at  Canada Free Press  reports that the CEO sent a letter to employees where he “denounced hatred and bigotry” and promised to match employee donations to the  Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas front group , CAIR, and the  soft-on-Sharia  SPLC. This letter was hot on the heels of the white nationalist/Confederate monument rally in Charlottesville. Here's the letter in full from McLeod's report: They still don't get it. Sending resources to CAIR and the SPLC is no answer. Let’s break down a few points in the letter (emphasis mine): The protection of  h...

Coming October 7: St Vladimir's Seminary Orthodox Education Day: 'Modern Martyrs'

While I am glad to see this focus on the New Martyrs of the 21st Century, organized by one of American Orthodoxy's most important institutions, and am very interested to explore the various materials, talks, and hoped-for reviews, there remains an enormous question looming over the event, an 'elephant in the room' if you will: Will Islam be discussed? And if so, will Islam's commands to wage jihad against Christians — especially those verses in the Quran explicitly cited by all Muslim persecutors of Christians, from ISIS to Boko Haram to "known wolf" jihadis in Europe and North America, to the "ordinary" Muslims in Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Kosovo, Indonesia, etc. — be honestly and straightforwardly addressed? Judging from the more thorough event description recently posted on the SVS and OCA websites and featured below, it appears Islam may only be mentioned in an oblique manner if at all, but I am hopeful the truth will be spoken. Some ...