
Showing posts from August, 2017

VIDEO: Robert Spencer interviewed by Fr. Josiah Trenham on Islam and Jihad

This outstanding interview has been viewed over 17,000 times since being posted almost a year ago. Wide ranging and well informed, with numerous citations and even some theological and historical discussions, this video is an ideal introduction on the subject of Islam and jihad. Fr. Josiah's obvious preparation and depth in the topics discussed, and the respectful and measured tone of the entire interview, make for the sort of presentation which would be fully appropriate for a parish viewing, a young adult or older teen group screening, or of course for gatherings of families and friends.  Please view and share widely! Patristic Nectar YouTube Channel — In this interview, Father Josiah Trenham sits down with Robert Spencer, the Director of Jihad Watch and New York Times Bestselling author of fifteen books . Mr. Spencer is a key figure of the Counter-jihad movement in the United States. __________________ Special note: Perhaps especially interesting is the exchange which occurs ...

Islam's War Against the West: 20 Major Jihad Attacks in Europe in Recent Years

The bloodthirsty demon-god of Islam is well pleased by his devotees. As would be Muhammad (if he weren't preoccupied by the fires of hell), who set the example for Muslims and commanded them to fight against non-Muslims until they submit to Islam. Map by - h/t Bill D. - Click to enlarge. Timeline: 20 Major Islamist Attacks in Europe in Recent Years by Breitbart London , August 18, 2017: LONDON (AP) — The deadly Barcelona van attack that killed 13 people and wounded dozens of others Thursday is the latest attack in Europe in recent years. Here are some of the other major ones, many of which used vehicles:  —June 19, 2017: A British man who had reportedly made anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim remarks drives into a crowd of worshippers outside a London mosque. One person dies and nine others are wounded.  —June 3, 2017: Three Islamic extremists drive into a crowd of pedestrians on London Bridge and then go on a knife rampage in nearby Borough Market, killing...

The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies)

“Stay Quiet and You’ll Be Okay” That’s what Mohamed Atta told the doomed airline passengers on 9/11. And we still hear the exact same message today, from the powerful but shadowy lobby that is working behind the scenes to gut the First Amendment and prohibit “hate speech”—or any criticism—of Islam. Available from Amazon in Kindle edition, paperback, MP3 and audiobook. Also available from Barnes & Noble. The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies) About the Book As bestselling author Robert Spencer shows in his startling new book, The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies), Islamic supremacists and their appeasers have mounted a dangerous and disturbingly successful campaign against our constitutional rights. Spencer reveals: How social media behemoths Facebook and Twitter—not to mention student groups at American college campuses—are doing the bidding of anti-First Amendment Muslim activists Why core Islamic teachings make criticism of Islam pu...


The Left suffers a setback in its war on the freedom of speech. I have been following this story since August 18, when Robert Spencer posted at Jihad Watch about ProPublic contacting him for comments on a story they were working on. The query to Spencer from ProPublica contained a thinly veiled threat implying the leftist group was going to use its story to try to force companies like PayPal, Amazon and others to terminate their relationship with Jihad Watch and other counter-jihad sites in order to cripple its cash flow. The entire endeavor was an obvious hit piece and smear campaign targeting Robert and Jihad Watch for their tireless work in reporting on stealth and violent jihad as Islam seeks to force the world to submit to the rule of Allah. Make no mistake, this is part of the spiritual battle taking place, the "powers and principalities" whose initiatives we see reflected in the actions of their minions here on earth. For background, see these articles (sequential, ol...

VIDEO: Preparing for Martyrdom in our Apocalyptic Times, by Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos

"The work of the Church is not exclusively to battle with heretics [and heresies - like Islam, and those who say Muslims worship the same True God as we do], but also to train the faithful so that at the appropriate moment they might become confessors of Christ and martyrs out of their love for Him..." See also: Perfected by the Sword - The Way of Martyrdom in Our Times, by Metropolitan Hierotheos Vlachos Posted to YouTube by Nicodemos Hagiorite

Charlottesville: An Apocalyptic Moment

Charlottesville reveals the demonic forces behind our horrific times, where the center does not hold, and the spirit of the Destroyer has been unleashed.  The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America has issued a clear and strong statement regarding the recent events in Charlottesville VA, denouncing all forms of hatred, bigotry and racism, while at the same time offering forgiveness and reconciliation for haters who repent. It is such a well worded message that any attempt to lift a 'sound byte' from it would not do it justice. I would simply urge you to read it all. However, it is especially worth noting one of the scripture passages they chose to include: Jesus rebuked his disciples when they suggested that he violently retaliate against his enemies. " You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them."   (Luke 9:55-56) This is precisely one of the key scripture passages I refer...

Muslim takeover of Europe is ‘biggest story of our time’ and nobody knows it

"Western Europe is already in the death throes of 'demographic suicide' because couples are no longer having enough children." The implications of the collapse of Western Europe are deeply disturbing. Islam's 'Rule of Numbers' means more unrest, jihad terrorism, and open persecution of Christians by Muslims. The grandchildren of Orthodox Christians in Europe today will be the New-Martyrs of the second half of this century — if the Lord doesn't return first. Just as the Mayor of London is now a Muslim, Muslims will eventually ascend to the highest levels of leadership in the EU and its satellite countries. Muslims will eventually control Europe's nuclear arsenals. Muslim takeover of Europe is ‘biggest story of our time’ and nobody knows it by Pete Baklinski, LifeSiteNews , August 10, 2017 (h/t Fr Mark Hodges): Historian Arnold Toynbee once famously said that “civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.” Using this as a springboard, commentator M...