Coptic Martyrs and their Forgiving Families - Seeds of the Church in Egypt
“When people see this attitude [of forgiveness] from Christians and the church, they ask themselves, ‘What kind of power is this?’” he said. “But with this witness we must also declare the message of Christ, which we are fulfilling—literally. We may not see the response immediately. But we will in the near future.” The Lord's grace is present and real among the Coptic faithful, as they persevere through the valley of the shadow of death, bearing their heavy cross of mass martyrdom, following Christ to their own Golgotha. Their profound faith — and their forgiveness of their Muslim persecutors — may be planting seeds for a new Orthodox Christian harvest in Egypt. May it be so! Forgiveness: Muslims Moved as Coptic Christians Do the Unimaginable Amid ISIS attacks, faithful response inspires Egyptian society. by Jayson Casper, ChristianityToday, April 20, 2017 Coffins are carried to the funeral of Egyptian Christians killed in Palm Sunday bombings. (Photo: Mohamed El-Shahed/AFP) Twelv...