Raymond Ibrahim: 'Why Easter Brings Out the Worst in Islam'
"Growing numbers of Muslims appear to agree with the view voiced by one Egyptian cleric that ' Christian worship is worse than murder and bloodshed ' —meaning, shedding the blood of Christians and murdering them is preferable to allowing them to flaunt their opposition to Muhammad’s teachings, as they naturally do every Sunday in church. Only more doctrinally attuned Muslims, who are in the minority, save their attacks for that one day of the year that so flagrantly defies Islam: Resurrection Sunday." Why Easter Brings Out the Worst in Islam by Raymond Ibrahim, April 17, 2017: Why are some Christians murdered and many more terrorized in the name of Islam every Easter holiday? Thomas's confession of faith in the Risen Christ, 'My Lord and my God!', provokes Muslims to kill Christians and bomb churches at Easter, and on other major Christian feasts. This year’s most notable attack occurred in Egypt, where two Coptic Christian churches were bombed during Pal...