
Showing posts from January, 2017

President Trump's Executive Order on Refugees - What it really means

A sober and detailed analysis by David French of National Review provides facts and analysis on President Trump's executive order.  Key highlights: "Trump is improving security screening and intends to admit refugees at close to the average rate of the 15 years before Obama’s dramatic expansion in 2016. Obama’s expansion was a departure from recent norms, not Trump’s contraction. "The order imposes a temporary, 90-day ban on people entering the U.S. from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen. These are countries either torn apart by jihadist violence or under the control of hostile, jihadist governments. "The plain language of the order doesn’t apply to legal permanent residents of the U.S., and green-card holders have been through round after round of vetting and security checks. The administration should intervene, immediately, to stop misapplication. "You can read the entire executive order from start to finish, reread it, then read it again, an...

America's Toxic Immigration Practices Exposed in 'Stealth Invasion'

This is such a powerful, in-depth review of Leo Hohmann's excellent new book, Stealth Invasion , which I posted about here , that it deserves to be re-posted so as to encourage as many people as possible to purchase this essential new title. This book is already an Amazon bestseller, and is fast being recognized as a powerful, irrefutable resource in the battle against Islamic jihad. Leo Hohmann Exposes Our Toxic Immigration Practices — Trump Responding in the Nick of Time! Blue Ridge Forum , January 28, 2017: “We are bringing this enemy here on air-conditioned planes as legal refugees, legal guest workers, legal green-card holders, legal students, legal entrepreneurs, and legal professors and preachers.” – Leo Hohmann In his new book, Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and Resettlement , veteran investigative reporter Leo Hohmann cuts through the gaslighting that has obscured the dark side of the refugee resettlement program and some other avenues of legal immi...

Catholic Archbishop of Pompeii: Europe will be Muslim in 10 years 'because of our stupidity'

“We have a weak Christian faith,” he added. “The Church nowadays does not work well and seminaries are empty." There is some sort of apocalyptic irony at play, when the Archbishop of Pompeii warns of the Muslim 'Vesuvius' which is now erupting and will soon bury formerly Christian Europe. In any case, Mark Steyn isn't the only one to warn about the collapse of Europe and the rise of Islam. Top Bishop: Europe Will Soon Be Muslim 'Because of Our Stupidity' by Nick Hallett, Breitbart News , January 14, 2017: This scene in London is being played out all across Western Europe as well. Everyone in Italy and the rest of Europe will “soon be Muslim” because of the country’s “stupidity”, a prominent Italian archbishop has said. Monsignor Carlo Liberati, Archbishop Emeritus of Pompeii, said that Islam will soon become Europe’s main religion thanks to the huge number of Muslim migrants alongside the increasing secularism of native Europeans. Speaking to Italian Catholic...

Catholic Archbishop Warns Europe Migration Crisis Fueled by Muslims’ ‘Will to Conquer’

The conquest of European territory for Islam plays a significant role in the unusual pressure to migrate to Europe: “There have always been wars and environmental disasters, but the fact that there is now so much pressure on Europe cannot be a coincidence..." There has been a calculated economic push, with financial support from Arab banks driving the migration from Muslim lands into Europe: “They do not let them come into Qatar or the United Arab Emirates, but they give them money and incite them to immigrate here..." The Muslim Migrant Invasion by the millions is a carefully planned disruptive event, aided and funded by Islamic states, with a specific goal: “Migration does not only have causes, it also has a purpose, such as the destabilization of Europe and the Euro.” The First Islamic Jihad: The Arab Wave, 622-750 AD.  (Islam 101) From the 7th to the 17th centuries, first under the Arabs then the Turks, Islam waged war against the Christian world , occupying Spain and par...

Ted Cruz introduces bill to designate Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization

A significant development, long overdue, which hopefully heralds a new approach from the US government in countering the Islamic threat. Significantly, this move has been endorsed by Coptic Solidarity, and the Muslim Brotherhood has already been banned as a terrorist organization by several countries, including Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Ted Cruz introduces bill to designate Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization by Christine Williams, Jihad Watch , January 13, 2017: "Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) have introduced a bill to ask the Secretary of State to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as an international terrorist organization." [Christine Rousselle, author of the source news article below.] It is high time that the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) be officially designated a terrorist organization, as a beginning process in weeding out MB affiliates (both individuals and groups) from America. They have infiltrated enough. The Muslim Brotherhood motto stat...

The Muslim Migrant Invasion and the Collapse of Europe: 'Ripped from the Headlines - Vol 2'

Links to major news stories of the Muslim migrant invasion of Europe in the second half of 2016. See also my articles: On Refugees, be ‘Wise as Serpents’ Lara Logan, UK Rape Gangs, and Europe’s Muslim Mob Sex Assaults ‘Sandboxing Islam’ Revisited Polish Magazine's Cover Story: 'Islamic Rape of Europe' - The real thing is far less glossy, and far more bloody, than these symbolic studio photographs. Back in April 2016, I posted a  "link dump"  of dozens of reports detailing the rapidly escalating crisis of the new Islamic Hijra, the Muslim migrant invasion, which is threatening to completely overwhelm a collapsing post-Christian Europe, and usher in a new dark age. In that post, I wrote this: The Link Dump may actually make the case better than any amount of persuasive writing. Our progressively more fractured attention span, overwhelmed by the rapid news cycle and competing sensory inputs we face any given minute, is unable to appreciate just how disastrous Germa...