
Showing posts from August, 2012

Pakistan's Role in Afghanistan

Pakistan’s Taliban Nightmare Pakistan, key to Afghan security, seeks political agreement that protects its interestsZahid Hussain YaleGlobal, 23 August 2012 ISLAMABAD: Contrary to the general perception, Pakistan is not pushing for the return of Taliban rule in Afghanistan. Instead, the prospect of the Taliban taking over the war-torn country after the pullout of foreign forces is the biggest

The India-Iran-Afghanistan Triangle of Influence

The Iran-India-Afghanistan riddle By Vijay Prashad Asia Times, August 12, 2012 At the sidelines of the 16th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit in Tehran, Iran, the governments of Afghanistan, India and Iran will hold a small conclave. Commercial issues are at the top of the agenda. Not far down the list, however, are significant political matters. These are of great interest as the Israelis and

Introducing Sindhi Studies Group - An Informative and Educational Blog

Blog: Sindhi Studies Group:Society, Culture and Territory in India and Pakistan The aim of this scholarly blog is to develop a platform bringing together social scientists interested in Sindh, a region located in southern Pakistan, and its diaspora, mainly in India. The goal of our study group is to share and disseminate a wide range of information on the evolution of Sindhi society while

Understanding the Legacy of General Zia in Pakistan

In Praise of Zia The Quaid-e-Azam and Ziaul Haq were two leader­s who knew what Muslim­s wanted and gave it to them. By Aakar Patel, Express Tribune, August 18, 2012 The writer is a columnist. He is also a former editor of the Mumbai-based English newspaper Mid Day and the Gujarati paper Divya Bhaskar This past week marked two anniversaries, that of Pakistan’s

Principles of Good Governance in Islam

Good Governance Early Muslim StyleBy Patricia Lee Sharpe, Whirled View,  06 September 2010 This piece, which I posted to counter anti-Muslim hysteria during the Bush administration, is probably even more relevant today, when political convenience and ignorance are combining to create a toxic environment for Muslims in America. Ali bin Abi Talib, the fourth Caliph and son-in-law of the

Neo-Sectarianism in the Muslim World

Neo-Sectarianism and an Intra- Muslim Cold War? Ibrahim Kalin, Today's Zaman, August 8, 2012 The Muslim world has had its share of sectarianism in the past but its modern incarnations pose a different set of challenges. Neo-sectarianism is different from the medley of traditional theological and juridical differences among Muslims. It is primarily an ideological and geo-political phenomenon.